Animal Control

Fillmore City ordinance requires that dogs be licensed each year by June 30th, with proof of current rabies information required. New residents must license dogs within 10 calendar days of moving to Fillmore City. Persons that acquire dogs who are over six months of age shall have ten calendar days from the date of acquition or six month birthday to acquire the dog license. Dogs must be kept on the owners property or on a leash when allowed off the property. Check with Liz regarding the fees for dog licenses.

If you are interested in adopting a dog please contact Liz or call the city office.

License fees:

Neutered or spayed $5.00 By June 30th each year.

All others $12.50 By June 30th each year.

Neutered or spayed $12.50 After June 30th each year.

All others $22.50 After June 30th each year.

After August 31 delinquent owners shall be cited

Impound Fees (For Non-Dangerous / Non-Vicious Animals):

1st offense $30.00* plus $1.50 per/day feed and care.

2nd offense $50.00* plus $5.00 per/day feed and care (If picked up more than once in a 12-month period).

3rd offense $125.00* plus $5.00 per/day feed and care.

Impound Fees (For Dangerous / Vicious Animals):

1st Offense $100.00* plus $1.50 per/day feed and care.

2nd Offense $120.00* plus $5.00 per/day feed and care (if picked up more than once in a 12 month period).

3rd Offense $195.00* plus $5.00 per/day feed and care.

*After Hours Impound Fee:

All impound fees listed above shall be increased by $20.00 if the impound call is
received after-hours (any time outside of Fillmore City posted office hours). Each
$20.00 after-hours fee increase will be applied only to each individual after-hours
call, i.e., if a 2nd offense impound call were received after-hours, the fee for that
impound call would be $70.00, and if a third offense would then be received on the
same offender during normal business hours, the 3rd offense fee would be $125.00.
Feed and care fees still apply.


Impound Fee for Animals Picked up by Sheriff or UHP Officers:

Work Hours $65.00

After Hours $71.00

Animal Relinquish to City Fee $20.00

Kennel Permit $25.00, Due June 30th of each year.

Euthanasia Fee $50.00

Veterinary services are available by appointment only.

Central Utah Animal Hospital

Dr. John L. Anderson, DVM

4635 South 4000 West
Delta, UT 84624

Phone: (435) 864-5250
Cell: (435) 979-4127