Six County Regional Beautification Award 2010

Fillmore has the distinctive honor of being Utah’s first Capital; as the Territorial Capital of Deseret, it is brimming with rich history. Today Fillmore City is the county seat of Millard County. Commissioned by former Mayor Dave Christensen, The First Capitol Main Street Beautification Committee (an economic development subcommittee) set about with incredible energy and vision to accomplish the task of beautifying Main Street.
The Committee, chaired by Deaun Bean, developed a Mission Statement: To enhance the attractiveness of Fillmore’s Main Street by highlighting existing historical characteristics and adding complimentary features as pleasing physical evidence of the community’s spirit of pride in its past, commitment to the present and hope for the future.
These commendable volunteers donated countless hours of service over the next two years-- meeting together, planning and writing. They correlated the efforts of Fillmore City, Utah Department of Transportation, the Governor’s Office of Economic Development and other agencies and non-profit foundations that had committed time and resources to the Project. This cooperative venture has changed the face of Fillmore.
New antique streetlights enhance the beauty and flavor of Fillmore’s historic Main Street. Sandstone benches accentuate the magnificent Territorial Statehouse Museum, the coveted crown jewel in the heart of the city. With economic development in mind, two freeway billboards were attractively refurbished. Decorative signage was placed along the north and south Main Street corridors directing I-15 travelers to the historic downtown business loop.
Current Mayor Eugene Larsen was a supportive city council member at the time the Project was initiated and is coordinating the finishing touches. Fillmore City appreciates the cooperative efforts of all the entities involved and the enthusiasm and dedication of the volunteers who have worked together to make it all happen.
Fillmore City Council Meeting
December 7, 2010
Certificates were presented to members of the First Capitol Main Street Beautification Committee in recognition of the Six County Regional Beautification Award for the Main Street Beautification Project. Those receiving certificates in appreciation for their dedication were: Deaun Bean, Paul Adams, ElDon Frampton, Desiree Rhoades, Lori Roper, Sherry Shepard, George and Nancy Young, Marlene Whicker, Sara Ellen Stevens, Duane Melville, Irene Carter, and Mary Fowler.
Mayor Larsen presents certificates to
Deaun Bean, ElDon Frampton, Duane Melville, Marlene Whicker, and Sherry Shepard