Fillmore City Justice Court

765 South Highway 99, #2
Fillmore, UT 84631
Office: (435) 743-6952
Fax: (435) 743-4325
Justice Court Office Hours:
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday
Court is held on the second and fourth Thursday of each month by appointment only.
To view the court calendar click here.
Honorable Judge
Cyndee C. Probert
Justice Court Prosecutor
Elise W. Harris
462 W Main
Delta, UT 84624
Phone: (435) 864-2748
Online Payment Information
Fillmore City Justice Court will accept electronic online payments made by Visa, MasterCard or Discover Card. No credit or debit cardsare acceptedby telephone.Credit or debitcardpayments paid in person at the city office will require a picture I.D. An electronic payment fee of 2.5% will be charged for electronic payments. To make your payment online click on the Instant Payments logo or call 1-800-764-0844.
Cash or check payments may be paid in person at the city office or mailed. Money orders, cashiers check, or personal checks which are subject to additional charges if not cleared by bank are accepted.
Fines for class B or C misdemeanors and infractions may be satisfied through approved community service at a rate of $10/hour. Contact the court if you wish to complete community service instead of paying your fine. (UCA 76-3-301.7)
Fillmore City Justice Court does not offer traffic school. A defensive driving course is offered by the Utah Safety Council. Please call 800-933-5943 for more information on when and where courses are available.
Uniform Fine/Bail Forfeiture Schedule
Traffic Violations Fine/Fee Schedule
Court Standing Orders COVID-19
Instructions and Rights Form
Right to Counsel Form
Request for Public Defender
Have you been summoned to appear in a virtual court hearing? The Utah State Courts have created a guide on how to get ready for your virtual hearing.
Small Claims Information
To file a small claim please click here:
All of the forms below are found on the Utah State Court Website
Utah State Court Forms
Filing Fees
Justice Court Cover Sheet
Forms needed by plaintiff to FILE a small claims case
- Checklist
- Justice Court Cover Sheet
- Affidavit and Summons
- Military Service Declaration, If the other party does not appear at trial you will need this form before a Judgment can be ordered.
Forms needed to DISMISS the case – paid or settled before court
- Checklist to dismiss a small claims judgment
- Justice Court Cover Sheet
- Motion to Dismiss
- Order to Dismiss
Forms needed by defendant to file a small claims case COUNTER CLAIM
- Checklist to file Counter claim
- Justice Court Cover Sheet
- Counter Affidavit and Summons
Forms needed to DISMISS the case, settled before court
- Checklist to dismiss a case
- Justice Court Cover Sheet
- Motion to Dismiss
- Order to Dismiss
Forms needed to POSTPONE the trial
- Checklist to postpone a trial
- Justice Court Cover Sheet
- Motion to Postpone
- Order on Motion to Postpone
Forms needed to settle a case – agreement reached before court date
- Checklist
- Justice Court Cover Sheet
- Settlement Agreement
Forms needed to enforce a Settlement Agreement Non-compliance
- Checklist
- Justice Court Cover Sheet
- Motion to Enforce a Settlement Agreement
- Notice of Hearing
- Finding of Fact, Conclusions of Law, Order and Judgment
Forms needed to SET ASIDE a dismissal or a default judgment
- Checklist
- Justice Court Cover Sheet
- Motion to Set Aside
- Order on Motion to Set Aside
Forms needed to APPEAL the judgment
- Checklist
- Justice Court Cover Sheet
- Notice of Appeal
Satisfaction of Judgment – Case has been fully satisfied
How To Collect A Small Claims Judgment
Information and Instructions
Identifying the Judgment Debtor’s Property – Supplemental Proceeding
Additional information available on the state website:
Video Hearings
Your case has been scheduled for a video hearing. You are Ordered to read, fill out and return the first two (2) forms to the court before your scheduled hearing. If you want to request a public defender – fill out and return the third form. If you do not return the forms as requested your case may be continued until they are received by the court.
You can contact the clerk at for the forms. You can print them, fill out by hand and email them back to the court.
- Instructions and Rights
- Right to Counsel
- Request for Public Defender
You are also ordered to watch the video below explaining your rights before your court hearing.